Community Action Group
Our Community Action Group listens to our school community - pupils, staff, parents and wider community!
We have listened to community voices this is what they presented at the Delegates Assembly working with Citizens UK.'-Assembly---DMAT-and-Citizens-UK.aspx
We have organised fund raising for our local food bank and have held a Beach clean for the Ruby Hub schools in Bude. We enjoyed organising a 'Children in Need Talent' show.
At Christmas, we wrote letters to our the residents of local Residential Home - we used to visit but have not been able to.
In Spring, we attended the Delegates Assembly organised by Citizen's UK and worked with our partner schools to find a joint community project. We are currently designing litter bins for our communities and will work with local industry to manufacture them. We then need to work with our local Councils to position them in the community - watch this space!
We want to create opportunities for the young people in our village and have a community food bank to support our families.
A 'Chatty Bench' was something that our community wanted to support our isolated citizens - we are nearly there!
Our Silver Story readers reach out to other areas of the UK, reading stories and chatting to those people who may not have families or friends close by.
We have also written postcards to children from Ukraine who have become refugees. This is part of a 'backpack' project to supply children with books, colouring pencils and drawing tools - as well as a message from someone who is thinking of them.
Our Book Committee celebrates books!
We have shared a Virtual Library with our patents and children - it is on our website! We have supported World Book Day - just look at the pictures in our newsletter on 18th March 2022.
Our new sharing library will open after Easter and all you need to do is come to school! It is right on your doorstep!