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Bridgerule Church of England Primary School

Nurture, flourish, succeed....together


Class 3

Welcome to our class! 


Class 3 is our Year 5 and 6 class, taught by Miss .Carpenter and Mrs. Counter, supported by Mrs. Godfrey and Mrs. Furse

Class 3 had an amazing morning visiting the historic Bridge Mill which is mentioned in the Doomsday Book.  They really enjoyed pond-dipping; discovering a secret world full of incredible creatures. Ever wondered what’s lurking in the depths of a pond near you? Maybe a mysterious alien-like dragonfly nymph, or a Great Diving Beetle, or a froglet or two?  Today, the children became expert classifiers of underwater lifeforms!  They also spent time thinking about our local history, how houses were constructed in the past and used tremendous effort to create their own wattle and daub wall.  Finally, they built a campfire, toasted marshmallows and relaxed after their morning of hard work.





Class 3 had an amazing afternoon enjoying their well-deserved class reward of a water fight!  Luckily, the sun shone and it wasn't too cold.  Well done for all your hard work. 





A huge well done to our Year 6's who have worked so hard, and still with humour, through a challenging week. Your grit and resilience has made us all proud. 


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