Welcome to the Spring Term 2024.
Home Page

Bridgerule Church of England Primary School

Nurture, flourish, succeed....


Policies and Information

The majority of our policies are agreed by the Trustee Board of Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust. Please see the links below .

Please also follow the link to access the Scheme of Delegation, the Articles of Association and the Statement of Intent for the Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust.


Dartmoor MAT Policies and Documents

​Acceptable Use Policy (Pupils)
Acceptable Use Policy (Pupils) - Leaflet Version
Acceptable Use Policy (Staff including Volunteers and Visitors)
Accessibility Plan - please see our individual schools' policies
Admissions Policy - please see our individual schools' policies
Annual Report and Accounts

Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy
Appraisal Policy 
Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy

Bring Your Own Device Policy
Capability Policy
Career Guidance (Statement on Provider Access)

Career Break Policy
CCTV and Surveillance Policy
Charging and Remissions Policy
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2022/23

Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School
Code of Conduct for Staff
Code of Conduct for Trustees and Governors
Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers and Social Media Use Policy
Complaints Policy
Complaints & Feedback Form
Conflict of Interest Policy
Data Protection Policy​​
Debt Recovery Policy

DMAT Early Careers Teacher Policy
Disciplinary Policy
Discretions Policy (LGPS)

ECT Induction Policy
Equality Statement

Equality and Diversity Policy
Exclusion Policy - please see our individual school Behaviour Policy

Exit Interview Policy
​Executive Pay Policy
Finance Policy
Flexible Working Requests Policy
Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Schedule
Funding Agreement and Supplemental Funding Agreements for individual academies
Gender Pay Gap Report 2018
Gender Pay Gap Report 2019
Gifts, Hospitality and Anti-bribery Policy
Governors and Trustees' Allowances Policy
Governor Visits Policy
Grievance Policy
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy
Homeworking Policy
Information Management Policy and Records Retention Schedule

Intimate Care Policy
Investment Policy
Leasing Policy

Lettings Policy

Lettings Privacy Notice
Looked After Children Policy
Mobile Phones Policy 
No Purchase Order, No Pay Policy
Online Safety Policy
Outdoor Education, Visits and Off-Site Activities Policy 
Pay Policy
Personal Data Breach Procedure
Policy Management Statement
Privacy Notice (Staff)
Privacy Notice (Job Applicants)
Privacy Notice (Pupils and Parents)
Privacy Notice (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
Privacy Notice Governors, Trustees and Volunteers 
Procurement Card Policy
Protection of Biometric Information Policy
Provider Access Policy Statement
Pupil Transport Policy (Use of Private Vehicles)
Recruitment Policy
Redundancy Policy
Risk Management Policy
Scheme of Delegation
Scheme of Financial Delegation
Social Media Policy
Safeguarding Policy (see Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy)

Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment Policy
Staff Expenses Policy
Subject Access Request Policy
Supporting Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medicine Policy

Suspension and Exclusions Policy
Use of Reasonable Force Policy
Virtual Meetings Policy
Volunteer Code of Conduct
Volunteers in Schools Policy
Whistleblowing Policy


Additional school policies are below.


If you would like a free paper copy of any of these policies please contact the School office.

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