Local Stakeholder Board
Governors are members of the school Local Stakeholder Board which is a sub committee of the Board of Trustees. The Local Stakeholder Board meets at least six times in every school year with the aim of driving school improvement across all areas.
The Local Stakeholder Board ensures that the school is compliant with all statutory policies and processes, and has powers as detailed in the Trust Scheme of Delegation
The Local Stakeholder Board Chair and Vice Chair are appointed annually.
To contact the Chair of the Board or individual governors please mark for their attention and write care of Bridgerule C of E Primary School or email admin@bridgeruleprimary.org.uk who will forward it on.
Local Stakeholder Board webpage:
Ruby Country LSB - Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust (dartmoormat.org.uk)
Dartmoor MAT Code of Conduct for Trustees and Governors
Local Stakeholder Boards were restructured in April 2021. The focus of Boards is on continuous school improvement, and to provide the vital links between the school and the community it serves.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please find details of the application process on the DMAT website: https://www.dartmoormat.org.uk/governance.html
Chair of Governors – Emma Neath
Co-opted Governor –
Co-opted Governor –
Foundation Governor – Vacancy
Parent Governor – Vacancy
Parent Governor – Vacancy
Staff Governor (teaching) – Vacancy
Staff Governor (non teaching) – Vacancy