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Bridgerule Church of England Primary School

Nurture, flourish, succeed....together


Class Dojo

Class Dojo is an online learning platform where we have set up your classroom community ready for remote learning. It is an excellent way to stay in touch with staff and to see pupil learning. Classes can be shared with other teachers in the school and school leaders so that learning can be shared.



All parents will be invited to register for Class Dojo.  A link will be sent to your contact email address.  By accepting the link and registering with Class Dojo you are consenting to your child's information being shared between you and Class Dojo and the school on this platform. 

Class Story

Class Story is where we will share photos, tutorials and files to aide learning with ALL families. This private feed is viewable by the parents and students, through both parent and student account. Your class teacher will post weekly planning as well as tutorials, worksheets etc to assist remote learning.
Teachers may use Class Story to:
·         Record up to 8-minutes tutorial lessons 
·         Post challenges and learning updates
·         Share links to learning sites to keep pupils practicing their skills
·         Upload attachments like worksheets and other printables for families to complete at home
·         Read stories to the class
·         Share photos of the wider curriculum or similar to engage learners


Comments under posts in stories are visible to all, so these should be appropriately positive and polite in tone. Queries or requests for support with any problems should be addressed to the teacher using the messaging service or through emailing or telephoning the school office. The school reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments from posts if necessary.


Please ensure that any photos you upload are appropriate and that your child and family members are fully dressed.
As always, if you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact the Head of School or any safeguarding lead directly and do not raise these through Class Dojo.

Portfolios  is a digital portfolio that allows students to share with their teachers and family! Students can add to their portfolio using Chromebooks, laptops, and iOS/Android devices, even from home. Teachers can view and approve student work on Portfolios using any device. Once approved, only parent accounts connected to their student can see those particular posts and both parents and teachers can leave positive feedback in the form of a like and/or comments.


Messaging allows you to communicate with every family in your classroom. Available on the internet and iOS/Android devices, it allows you to send messages, photos, stickers, and voice notes to parents (without giving out your phone number). Messaging is also a way to connect directly with your child’s teacher or the Head of School. Messages should be directly related to teaching and learning.

For messages relating to any other matter, please make contact with the school office or your child's teacher directly and not via the platform. 

Class Dojo's Privacy Policy can be viewed by following this link

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