Nurture.... Flourish.... Succeed:
A loving family of learners on a journey to be the best we can be.
Our Positive Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy is a statement based on Bridgerule Relational Based Behaviour Principles, communicating aims and strategies for promoting positive behaviour at Bridgerule C of E Primary School We believe that our community - staff, parents, governors and the wider community - is important in promoting good behaviour and developing positive attitudes and responsibilities. We ensure that all stakeholders are made fully aware of our positive behaviour support system and class behavioural flow charts through newsletters, assemblies, discussions, half-termly Ethos Committee meetings and on our school website.
We believe that all children should treat one another with respect, care and love. They should think about their actions within our school, community and families and act in good faith at all times. Children are encouraged to use our School Values to support their decisions and resulting behaviour:
Everybody works and learns best in an atmosphere of order, respect and consistency. We are all entitled to be treated fairly and with dignity, with the knowledge that if we have difficulties we will be well supported to make positive changes. Children have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment.
Our Behaviour Policy is rooted in Christian principles with love for neighbour and family values at its core.
It is important to remember that all children are different; different incidents require different responses and so a general approach needs to be followed. Consistency across the school is crucial but is not about a ‘one size fits all’ single response for a particular situation.
We will make reasonable adjustments to consequences to meet the needs of the individual child.
All Classrooms will have agreed flowcharts of 'Yes Please' and 'No Thank you' behaviours as a reminder in the classroom for both rewards and sanctions.
Positive reinforcement:
We aim to remind the children that they are doing well, working hard, making a positive contribution to the class and their peers etc. regularly. To do this, verbal reinforcement is a key tool.
In addition, stickers, dojos, class specific rewards etc. may be awarded to individual children but are reserved for improvement or remarkable actions. We should be expecting great things as a matter of course - these need to remain well above the norm. All staff members are able to give rewards.
In addition, there will be a ‘whole class’ reward scheme for each class where children work together and collectively to earn chosen rewards for the whole class.
If children make ‘low level’ inappropriate choices, they will be well supported and guided in making a quick change to their behaviour. This may be through a ‘look’, a quiet conversation, standing closer to the child or a positive opportunity to work on a ‘time out’ or calming down table in the classroom.
If negative behaviour continues, children will have 5 minutes of supported reflection time at break or lunchtime. If need be, they may be asked to work in another classroom to help concentration or stop the distraction (a positive step in line with our values), or may need to spend some time in the ‘time out’ space at lunchtime. Our conversations involve restorative conversations about how to 'put things right'.
If there are persistent issues with low level, behaviour choices, blue forms are completed and if there are more than three of these in a week or more than 6 over a half term ,parents should be contacted for discussions.
More serious events will be recorded on blue forms and C Poms - alongside a discussion with parents.